What a difference from Scotland. It was 12 degrees in Glasgow, and now it’s 30 degrees in Alicante, and I love it! I think I was made for the real Summer!
I really like Alicante. It seems to be a bit off the beaten track, with a lot less foreigner tourists. I don’t hear English spoken hardly anywhere. I have to zoom in on my reading and understanding Spanish, or the more localised Valencian Spanish spoken here.
This is a place of Spanish Summer dreaming – quaint old town streets, small parks, fountains, a marina, a big castle overlooking the town, and a beach you can squeeze onto to go for a swim.
I intended to do as little here as possible, and I succeeded!
For the record, the coffee in Spain looks great, but isn’t great…
You can see the castle from the Old Town…
And there’s a beautiful marina
Some meaningful sculptures about welcoming foreigners and refugees…
Finally found a wonderful iced coffee! No calories! (just kidding) And not too bad for EUR4.
I could definitely stay here for a while.