It was Monday morning and the start of a new working week. But first…. coffee.
I headed back to KAEru coffee, as it was the best and nearest I had experienced so far in Kyoto.

I’m not so convinced by the cheese-on-toast though…
I had booked a co-working space desk, so I headed off on foot. I think it was about 15 minute walk.

Groving Base Kyoto
I was super-chuffed to learn about co-working spaces in Kyoto. And I was pretty impressed by the one I chose.

From what I could tell, they did not seem to see a large number of international remote workers in Kyoto. However, this space was first class.

I could choose any desk space. It was quiet and well set up. I was able to get started straight away, and get heaps of work done.
At lunchtime, I popped out.

It was still super-hot outside, so I opted for food nearby.

Gyozadokoro Takatsuji Sukemasa
Anyone who knows me, knows I love dumplings. These were great value and tasty. The only flavour available was pork. I normally don’t eat pork, but just for today, I made an exception.

Unlike when I normally eat pork, I don’t feel well, but I was a-okay after these!

Afterwards, I was after a coffee. Keen to get back to work, I went to the nearest coffee place…
Starbucks Kyoto

I grabbed an americano, threw in a splash of milk, and headed back to Groving Base.

I then sprinted through my work for the afternoon.

First day done. I knew I would enjoy working here. The staff were quite nice too.

Heading back to the hotel, I stopped to admire the cute, potted plants. Such care and attention for the public space.

Dinner time
After the sun went down, I headed back to Kyoto main station to grab some dinner. I found the bus super-easy to get around on.

I really like admiring the Kyoto Tower at night.

After eating, it was bus time back.